Friday, May 11, 2012

A Daughter's Birthday


To My Birthday Girl;
So today you turn 13. How fast these years have gone by for me and I guess it’s true about ‘time flying when you are having a good time’. Although we may be celebrating your 13th birthday, my heart is celebrating 13 of the most wonderful years of my life. So many memories that I keep in my heart of you growing up and yet the here and now keeps me so enthralled that I have little time to look back.

Every year that has gone by I have told myself that this is the year “you would need me the most’ and once again I’m telling myself “these are the years my daughter needs me the most”.....I will never stop believing this, I guess it’s the Father I have become because of you. I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU.

My Bike
There is a specter that lurks behind all this, it’s the advice so many give me that you will soon be striking out on your own and will “rebel” against me. They call it “growing up” and I should know how it is, I did it myself. I’m told and I understand that your world will soon be about your friends and parties, concerts and events that frankly won’t be of common interest to both of us. Well, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. For now my life is pretty much filled with the wonder of watching you grow up into a young lady and admiring how you develop an understanding of the world around you. In the past month you have said things that have sounded so beyond your years and on two occasions have provided me with insights that just weren’t there.

I Love You my Birthday Girl. You’ve made me very Proud of You. I might not give you “things”, but you know I give you all that I have and that I am. Whatever blessings G-d has given me I pass on to you for the only blessing I have needed these years has been your Health and Happiness.


Happy Birthday
Your Father.
