Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Have Joined The Republican Party!

I have joined the Rep Party and I have a few ideas to getting this Nation on it’s RIGHT way....First, let's cut back on educational spending, who needs an education when we have an Army they can Join and "Be All that You can Be?


Unless they can work at a munitions factory, heck, we can get it done cheaper in China...forget that. 

So let's keep them busy, let's start a War, It keeps the investors happy, protects American interests and if they can’t respect us, let them fear us. Venezuela first, cause we gotta protect American oil interests, it keeps this nation strong. At the end of that easy war our soldiers will be seasoned Vets.


Then we can go after Iran, after all everyone loves to hate that little Weasel and after that, let's kick some Chinaman Ass, we need the resources. By that time we’ll have all the Venezuelans, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans and all the other Beaners that we promised American Citizenship to in our Army. Hey, either that or we’ll give you a permit to work the US tomatoe fields for less than the minimum wage, which of course we should abolish along with the retirement age. By the way, I’m Hispanic so I can call a Beaner a Beaner and be Politically Correct. Oh, yeah, let’s not forget our Black citizens, they can join the Army or the fields,  I’m I missing some other minority? I’m sure we’ll find someone we can draft.


Next, Social Security....let's incorporate it into any properties old people own. The government will provide services, kinda like what the VA does and once they croak, they can turn over the properties to the government. Their kids'll be in the Army, what do they care? And lemme say about the kids, they should be grateful...we're gonna provide them with three squares and a uniform to defend the USA way of Life....What else could they dream of? If it wasn’t for our way of thinking they would have probably been aborted.

Old Man

.....Small Businesses, forget that...80% go belly up. Let's keep the money with Big’s a sure thing and that’s the way to protect the true American Investor.

Yep! I likes being a Republican………I’ve got a lot more great tax cutting and social ideas that will put these leftist right where they belong!

1 comment:

  1. Just coming by to comment back on your comment. :) Glad things are going well with you two. Yes, it is a good sign that she called you from the plane. She must be pretty into you. Here's a secret tip that works for all flight attendants: Text her when you know that she's in the air. We love to turn our phone back on to discover that someone was thinking about us when we were stuck in a tube. It makes everything a little less lonely.

    Sounds like you're doing pretty well on your own, though!
