Saturday, October 16, 2010

Is it Me or Does This Happen to Everyone?

I haven't had my carwash for over a month because of rain and timing. So Monday morning after dropping my daughter off at school I went to get it washed. When finished it looked like the shiny toy I enjoy and the world just seemed brighter driving it to work. I guess it had to do with the fact the windows were clean.
Everything started to fall apart the moment I went to park it.
I've been suffering from vertigo, the result of another "perfect storm" that i went through in August and still haven't recovered from, and so this seemed to affect me as I backed up the car and I hit a pole that is right next to my parking space......daaaaaaamn!@&?! I destroyed the driver side rear light.
Needless to say I started Monday on a sour note. I went on line and found the replacement lens for about 150. I figure that if I'm talented enough to take apart and reassemble a Rolex watch I can remove and reinstall one of these myself.
The work day came to and end and as I was driving out of the parking lot I thought I had been pelted by eggs. I stopped the car and it wasn't eggs it was bird droppings. I looked up and there it was, only one dove sitting on the power lines. Not only had it decided to take a dump at such an inopportune moment as I drove under it but this SOB must have taken what can described as the biggest bird dump in the Gables! G-d it looked like he dropped a couple of eggs on me!
I arrived home and washed-wiped the droppings off. The car didn't look as nice as it dis in the morning though.
This morning I woke up and when I looked out the window it was of those drizzle type rains that don't wash off anything but brings up the night grime on cars and makes them look dirty.
Long ago I learned never to place my contentment on material things or girlfriends for that matter. At that moment I would have probably returned to bed and had a couple of hours of unbridled sex which no doubt would have made me forget about the days events but on fortunately I'm at one of those "in between relationships" stages and I have no woman to re-channel my sexual aggressions to so I'm having to "man-up" and put up with the bird poop. When I think about it, it's probably easier than putting up with my ex's BS. How did we get here?

The Match Scene: 
It's been almost one week that I have sorted through my connections and I have send emails to about six prospects. I received two replies, one informing me that she is currently dating someone "special" and the other one telling me how busy she is with work and her daughter's upcoming wedding. While doing laundry this morning I made a couple of "sappy" emails and send them to three other women. I am now going to find out if women do indeed like someone who is upfront or do they rather be "played". I think that I shouldn't change what has always worked for me.
Back to the Here and Now:
As I sit here at B&N on a Friday night I have my 11 year old daughter in front of me. She was dropped off for the third weekend in a row. Two weekends ago it was my turn, last weekend her Mother wanted some "alone time" with her husband. My Daughter warned her that she did not want anymore siblings. She already has a four year old brother. This weekend she is being dropped off because she is attending an every-other-weekend accelarated study group at one of the most prestigious schools in the county. 
She was one of thirty girls in the entire county invited to join this group last year and attended their summer camp.
Although I was very proud of her participation, I warned her very clearly not to get any ideas of attending the school because enrollment runs 19-27K a year.
As I sit here at B&N She has dropped off by her step-father. At first her Mom had told me that they were going to have dinner together, then she called me and told me that she was going to be dropped off. When I asked her why the change of plans she explained that "her son was falling asleep", hey, my daughter loves to be with me because I give her lots more attention. At times I feel that her Mother's idea of quality time is spend running errands and shopping.....I would make this an issue but I believe the other extreme is worst. She might want to have her spend more weekends with her and take some of my quality time with her away.
So tonight I have my little one and life is so good.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when my car gets covered with bird droppings. Super hate it with a passion.
