Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prophet Blue: Buckle UP-It’s Coming

OMG, after reading your religious based postings I have gotten a message from G-d, an Epiphany of sorts and I am now going to now ABKA as "PROPHET BLUE"! I know you all expected some kind of Angel but then again hasn't G-d dropped a few surprises on us lately?
Well here is my first observation. It seems that for all our religious beliefs we all have understood that G-d has a "Chosen People". Well, guess what? He is really pissed off at how the rest of the world has treated them and he is taking names down and kicking ass. Most of you think that He is the G-d or Mercy, Goodness and Forgiveness. Well I got news for you, I don't know where you got that impression, but read your latest and reworked version of your Bible and read what happened to the inhabitants of the Great Flood, Sodom, Gomorrah, the enslaved Jews, the pursuing Egyptians, the Canaanites and just about anyone who hasn't abide by His rules.
As much as these other "Prophets" and such try to complicate things, His Law is simple, "do unto others as you would have others do unto you". Hey Man, can it be any simpler?


There has been far too much blood spilled in the name of G-d, if anyone is going to off someone it's going to be Him. So all you fanatics who are willing to convert others in the name of the Christ, slaughter the infidel in the name of Allah, G-d's got a special place/Hell for you, it's called the Middle East where it's inhabitants have been killing each other in the name of "G-d" since time recorded. Move there along with the oil company executives and burn in oil. Oh, yeah if you believe that you are fighting in G-d's name, register your children for a special draft. For those of you who want to live in Peace, our fore father's established a special place on Earth for us. It's called the United States of America. Although we have been infected by special interest groups


Thinking of which, you all that believe in "Life" and want to impose your beliefs unto others. The "Choice" group is setting up a national register so that "Lifers" can register. Registered "Lifers" will be required to adopt an unwanted pregnancy. "Lifer" will also be accessed a special "Life Tax" to pay for their adopted child's upbringing, education, medical expenses etc. It's only fair don't you agree?
The other night Pat Roberts condemned the Haitian people of making a pact with the Devil to get their freedom from France. We in turn have been condemned by G-d for listening and actually following the advice and opinions of the world by Celebrities.
For those that are opposed to President Obama's futile attempts in turning this around there is an organization that you can join. It's called the Klu Klux Klan.
Yes, the internet has become the new Tower of Babel and information is now rampant, but ask yourselves how come that in all it's social advances of the last 100 years, society seems to have birthed a litter of mindless Lemmings?
I'm unhappy to report that a great number of you that are reading this will be dead within the next 30 years. It is G-d's wish, I know, He told me so, that you prepare the future for your Children. You are all guilty of allowing self-centered, profit-making, democratically disguised, stock holding bastards to ruin G-d's Earth.


The End or better described "The Thinning Out" is coming not bought by four horsemen but in the form of temperate changes, failed crops, world wars and the worst, drought of fresh water and famine. Mankind will never be wiped off the face of the Earth, it's was G-d's promise to Noah after the Great Flood. But he will indeed (Man) have the power to make his own Hell on Earth. Those that survive will continue to prosper and evolve to a higher form of life closer to the Grace of G-d continually opposed by a select group that in all it's contradiction will serve as what can be described to be "The Devils Advocate" because it is only through struggle to survive, not profit, that mankind can truly evolve in a humble and Graceful way.
Bless all you Children Who Walk in The Path of Truth
Prophet Blue Out!

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