Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Match Connection-Connecting the Dots (o) (o), (*) (*), (+) (+), (O) (O), (.) (.)

I have come to learn the hard way that at my age it sucks to be single. Most of the women that are compatible to me are divorced with a few kids and an a-hole ex, bitter, selfish or nuts because they are pre-menopausal. That was the case with my ex and regardless of how many times I had asked her to speak to a therapist, it was always my fault. Today a magnificently beautiful woman, she lives alone, with our dog, hating all men and life in general.....but in the end she has gotten what she wanted. She hated my business, felt my child was spoiled rotten and set ME free. Yes, I am FREE and never realized how miserable I had been.So Last Friday night instead of going to some bar and observing half the people observing the other half and little clusters of people observing the numerous groups etc. I decided to go to the most boring place in the Gables, yup, that's right I went to Barnes and Noble ordered a Green Tea Frap and sat down to go over my Match.com search results.
Hoooo Boy! This got good.....I received 389 "leads", 'member I'm a salesman so I look at the world in sales terms.......So I had to start weeding through my choices.....first to go......the obvious “FNUs” (fat and ugly)....yeah, that sucks to have to put people out, I felt like a cross between a VIP room bouncer and some guard in Auschwitz.....but I've had my mornings where I have woken up next to a "ton of fun" that I had justified sacking up with by loosing count of my drinks.....it's not a nice feeling and for some reason they always felt and voiced that I "used" them....OK!
I also X'd the ones with no pictures, come on, on-line dating is advertisement. You gotta put your best foot forward if any. To leave out your picture is just plain stupid. However I must point out that I did request a picture from a woman and she turned out to be attractive, great in bed, a doctor and an ultimate psycho when she told me off for not calling her one morning two weeks into our "relationship"....
So after going through the obvious I started to look at the ones that only showed their faces in the pictures.....It's cool to see the hams hanging off the bones when they lift their cellphones to take their own pics.... of course I had a few that had these studio portraits......Verdict: The hams went, the studio portraits....I figured they were Realtors who would eventually try to sell me some property or try to get me to refinance....I read a bit into their profile and it they usually read like a grocery list, this is a characteristic that is not only dominant in Realtors. A lot of women have the tendency to do this .then I started to weed out the "Princess", those are the ones that list "shopping" as a sport......flush!
After that I went after the ones with the 4-6 kids.....Hey man, ever heard of contraceptives! I kinda feel bad for these women, they have given their best to some moron of a husband who probably ran away with some single, younger woman.....I just hope they are keeping up the child support. Mind you I don't write off women with kids, having a daughter myself they are usually the ones I have the most things in common with. They are also, because of obvious deprivation, most responsive to fun and I enjoy sharing my time with them. When I go out with this type of woman I wine and dine them conscious to applaud them for the accomplished women they are....think about it, to have to raise 3-4 kids on your own is not easy. I'm a pretty good father, spend a lot of time with my daughter, involved in her studies and always pay my child support on time and never asked for an accounting of where it is spent. This unfortunately makes me a "catch" in their eyes. But reality always sets in when they begin to unload their slice of shit sandwich on me. I make it a rule to "leave my baggage at home" when I meet a woman but unfortunately after going out with them for awhile they do want your support and commitment. As a consequence I have the knack of savagely pulling the plug on it all. Because of this I truly try to stay away. I really don't want to hurt anyone. As I wrote in my last posting, it's all about quality time......
After this elimination I began some serious, pardon the phrase...."Cherry Picking". I started to read the profiles and they get pretty monotonous....shopping lists really and at this point I get rid of the professional hookers....the ones that are nice girls looking for Mr. Right to love them and "spoil them"..........Flush.
By this time my rooster has dropped to about two dozen "favorites" and I have emailed them a brief note, basically, "I just reactivated my account and I have found many cute girls here. I find you to be a very attractive woman. I like to take things slowly. I would like to begin to communicate and hopefully meet in person". If I was fishing you may say I laid out my lines, now it's time to sit back and wait.
There are a few that I just have to take my time and write, usually these are women I want to piss off for some reason or another. For instance one posted that she is Brazilian living in Colombia working for a "Chapter" company and that she loves to go shopping. I was going to write her that I was willing to meet her, dine her, nail her to my mattress and send her home with a 200 dollar JC Penny giftcard but decided to write her that she worked for a "Charter" company and that she should pick up a grammar book while shopping......
Another "Pro" "winked" at me today. She is 31 years old and lives in Alligator Point 250 miles from Dallas Texas. She is 5'8" and her profile reads so professionally. I'm tempted to answer it and see where it takes me but I'm trying to keep this as real as possible.
By now you might be judging me to be one cynical angry man and other less flattering judgments. Truth of the matter is that I am looking for a woman that is compatible to me, BUT, as I have always advised people that are single, you gotta kiss a ton of toads before you kiss a Princess.....Keep you posted....

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